Welcome Professionals, Auditors, Students, Learners & Readers
Click n download : Play introduction audio – ISCA -Version4 [Edition Yr:2014]
To start with this learning, there is a fundamental saying, which you will surely agree or experience during our course. The saying is, “You know many things, but you do not know, that you know many things.”
You are of the 21st century. Hence, just have the confidence, many points that you have experienced in your work, observed in your work, or can be said even observed in various movies, serials or professional videos.
Yes! I am going to bring out the power, the knowledge which is hidden within you, to your awareness.
You do not believe it, you will soon believe it after course completion.
Pls. Note – I.C.A.I has made this module with teaching method from Micro to Micro method. With due respect to Institute,
We have re-shuffle the course. From Micro to Macro, like it was during earlier syllabus. So that its easy for everyone, whether pursuing C A, Or Not.
C.A.Final [New syllabus : Yr.2014]- ISCA Chapters :-
1. Information Systems Concepts
a. Basic Concepts of Systems
b. Transaction Processing System
c. Basic Concepts of MIS
d. Decision Support and Executive Information Systems
2. Systems Development Life Cycle Methodology
a. System Development Process
b. Systems Design
c. System’s Acquisition, Software Development and Testing
d. Systems Implementation and Maintenance
3. Protection of Information System. [Control Objectives]
4. Business Continuity Planning and Disaster recovery planning
5. Audit of Information system.
6. Concept of Governance and Management information Systems.
7. Information technology Regulatory Issues
a. Cyber Law
b. Amendement [Information Technology Act, 2008]
c. Requirement of various authorities for system control audit. [SEBI, IRDA, etc.]
8. Emerging Technology