Dear Student,
Many student, have indicated there is too much changes…. surprising many got fear of such change…
This article is one to make you aware what are the changes academically…. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY TO MAKE YOU AWARE HOW TO READ THE CHANGES IN SUBJECT CALLED IT [remember its like science – in which old base remains – but new discover enhance your knowledge].
“Change is only the constant”
We strongly recommend, student not to panic for any revision any time… behave like CA… in this revision you are easily observe that, there are comparative less changes, than those you observe in Income tax act changes, AS changes, etc…
Read the revision – by simple comparison.
Addition what you see are regrouping or making more additional content – which I as usually say “you know many thing, but you do not know, you know many things.”
When there is revision, do not panic – believe on yourself… believe me, it shall be easy to incorporate this changes – Remember “You are MAN of 21st century” so what you are about to learn more is already known to you in other simple words… what is required is regrouping and more categorization in way of academic.
We do strongly recommend – what so ever deleted – does not mean they are useless or what you have learn additional is waste…. “Never ever think it”
Its mere Academic change…. all you learn will enhance your knowledge… so in future also – what so ever you missed let it be in old revision or old syllabus – it will help you in your practical life. [Hence we do give student old as well as new course and version] – so that it not only help them grow academically but can use all the knowledge even after qualification for their growth]
With this, I trust this article though is mainly academically, but its taken in True spirit of learning… Understand revision in all type of subject, No panic, behave like CA….
So, let me brief in one line the changes in syllabus. [Detail Para wise comparison given in subsequent pages] – you will observe, 70 – 80% concept you have learn, remains same.
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