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Comparision – IT Act 2000 v/s 2008

Welcome Professionals, Auditors, Students, Learners & Readers

Play Cyber Law – Summary IT Act 2000 v/s 2008 audio

Since we have received many mails & request for bringing light on amendment from students and professional. We take this opportunity to give a summary view on changes & also provide summary view section wise of complete Act.

Here also you will observe fundamental saying, which you will surely agree or experience. The saying is, “You know many things, but you do not know, that you know many things.”

You are man of the 21st century. Hence, just have the confidence, many points that you have experienced in your work, observed in your work, or can be said even observed in various movies, serials or professional videos.

Click to download this chapter notes in PDF.

For advance / more detail understanding, following resource full links have been kept.

IT Act 2000 [Bare Act]
IT Act 2008 [only Amendment – as passed]
IT Act 2008 [with modification]
ICAI Material on IT Act 2008

other useful resources :-
BCAS Referencer[]

Observe and Learn additional Points :-
* As way of reading amendments & Act in general.
* Making of Summary of Act.
* And again as usual – confidence that you can do it and with observe fundamental saying “You know many things, but you donot know, you know many things” …hmm magic spell..magic-test .. Hey this can be too experience during course and evaluate during a Magical test.. that will evaluate..your SWOT
SWOT = strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats